What is Next – COVID-19 Organizational Impacts

What’s Next? 

Recognizing and Mitigating against COVID-19 Organizational Impacts.

Some U.S. State and Countries are experiencing a pause in increasing positive cases. Others are exploding beyond their medical capabilities. When is the second wave coming? What will happen if a hurricane comes? Or an earthquake? Can our expanded use of at-home technology continue to support virtual work? What if a large-scale computer virus attack occurs? Are schools really opening in the fall?


It is impossible to predict exactly what will happen next in the United States and around the world, as it relates to the impacts from COVID-19. The world has changed dramatically, of course – and whether those changes will increase, decrease or stay the same; where and for how long, are all open questions everyone has. Regardless of the “What If’s” – basically Consequence Management, all organizations/entities need to organize, align and collaborate on the organizational impacts from COVID-19 now – and provide a consistent and continuous reporting mechanism to leadership for the mission shifts in this new environment – regardless of the next phase or which interventions are implemented and when. . Your overarching goal should be to be resilient enough to work through any consequences – and build strategic and tactical capabilities utilizing your strengths and opportunities to overcome any weaknesses during this pandemic and concurrent threats from other hazards. In other words, take a continuous S.W.O.T. analysis to this common operating picture.

Download the full report here – for FREE!