Healthcare Crisis Communications

When it comes to Crisis Communications – do you know what to say – and as impacting – how to say it ?

Barton Dunant is developing a series of workshops and exercises for the healthcare sector – on crisis communications. What does a Public Health Officer say about a Measles Outbreak, that is impacting multiple locations in their community? What does a hospital tell the public about a MRSA incident at their ER? How should a press release be worded from an assisted living care facility that had a Legionella outbreak?

Let us know what topic (or scenario) you would like to see developed into a workshop and/or exercise series (table top, functional, etc.).

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2 thoughts on “Healthcare Crisis Communications”

  1. Barton Dunant

    Utilizing a preparedness model from the U.S. federal Department of Homeland Security for the nation’s Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) , organizational COVID-19 mission-related projects should be organized by POETE – Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training and Exercising. The 2019 National Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Overview and Methodology report (published on 7/25/19) indicated (as have past THIRA reports) that a Pandemic Scenario was of national concern. And we have experienced very recent past history (not to this scope and scale) with H1N1, H1N9 and Ebola in the United States – all of which required changes to protocols and procedures in limited areas (business units impacted, specific geographic impacts, etc.). This pandemic is very different from previous pandemics. Novel Coronavirus means it is new – and the whole world is starting from scratch as to treatment, mitigation, and possible cures/vaccines. This virus spreads very rapidly and has a high mortality rate. The Public Health response – through governmental intervention has been novel as well. All of these factors impact any organization in its:
    – Constituent base (customers, workforce, partners and the general public)
    – Facilities, systems, equipment and supplies (logistics)
    – Succession Planning and Strategic Planning

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