This sample school EOP was developed in accordance with the “Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans.” This document has been developed for training purposes only.
Individuals, Families, Communities, Governmental Jurisdictions, etc. who build full disaster cycle phase resiliency are the ones who are ready to prepare for, protect against, prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against future incidents of any kind:
Have a suggestion for our “light reading” book for the year? We usually choose a Stephen King book, but since COVID, it seems we need something a bit lighter, maybe even uplifting. Any suggestions – please include them in the comments.
Join our e-mailing list (don’t worry, we send out maybe three or four e-mails all year)
We believe the worst-case scenario disaster which will fall on Emergency Management is the Electro-Magnetic Pulse wave (EMP) from a low-atmospheric detonation of a nuclear device over the United States. This will have catastrophic impacts to the continuity of operations / continuity of government (COOP/COG) for emergency management (EM). It is the maximum of maximums (MOM).
We have built an advanced table-top exercise for this scenario and welcome your thoughts and comments. It will be usable by single entries, any level jurisdiction, all the way up through an international multi-player exercise. The concept is the same: When you have no comms and no modern transportation and of course no electricity nor electronic devices, what do you expect/order your staff to do next? Take care of themselves and their families or do everything they can to get to work/stay at work? And do they know now what they are supposed to do if such a scenario should occur?
A Hot Wash is a term used for the immediate after-action review conducted after exercises (usually performed at functional or full-scale exercises, but can be done on any type of exercise) and real-world incidents. The term comes from the haz-mat (hazardous-materials) responder world, where the immediacy of decontamination is needed, due to being “hot” (having bad stuff still on you). The time to make corrective action is now – or at least identify where there are strengths and opportunities (positives and negatives). Once these items are identified as changes needed to be made to the Plans, Organization (staffing pattern and levels), Equipment, Training, and (future) Exercises – the POETE – they should be organized into four categories:
Sustain – longer-term strengths which should be continued
Quick Fix – short-term opportunities which have little or low cost to implement
Improve – medium to longer-term opportunities which have a higher cost to implement
Parking Lot – those strengths and/or opportunities which need further discussion – and POETE, and are beyond the scope of this incident and/or exercise.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The following photo shows what can happen when well-meaning people send unsolicited items to a disaster site. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, large piles of used clothing, shoes, food, and household goods sent to Port-au-Prince went unclaimed and began spoiling, attracting rats and other vermin. Not only did these become a health hazard for aid workers and people living nearby, they also clogged up the runway used for relief flights. In the end, these piles of goodwill had to be bulldozed off the airstrip and burned as garbage.
Diversion of Time and Space
For many people, donating stuff feels good because they are giving tangible items that one might give to a friend in need. But unsolicited items can clog supply chains and disrupt disaster operations by taking up valuable space needed by aid groups to receive and distribute critical relief supplies. Managing these donations diverts aid workers’ time and attention from the task of providing life-saving aid. Also, managing piles of unsolicited items can force aid groups to change logistical and distribution plans, adding more work and cost to their humanitarian mission.
Inappropriate Donations
Chandeliers to Rwanda. Fertility drugs to Haiti. As the illustration shows, donations of food and clothing can be unnecessary, culturally/religiously inappropriate, and in some cases, downright unhealthy. Donations of canned goods or food are rarely beneficial, and the collection of bottled water is highly inefficient, as both food and potable water can be purchased at local markets close to the disaster area. In addition, used clothing frequently goes unused. In fact, 38 countries have banned the importation of used clothing, and 28 additional countries have severely restricted imports.
Transportation: Costly and Complicated
Unsolicited donations are expensive to send. They incur more costs every time they change hands and leave a big carbon footprint in their wake. Transporting “stuff” to a disaster site is far more costly and complicated than slapping a stamp on a care package. How costly? Check out our Greatest Good Donations Calculator. What you will learn may surprise you.
A common misconception is that the U.S. government or relief agencies will transport donations free of charge, or even for a fee. This is not true. Individuals or organizations that collect and send donated items are responsible for paying for transportation and related expenses – including customs fees – at commercial rates. Therefore, it is important that transportation arrangements are secured before any kind of material donations are collected.
Things to Consider
Before collecting material donations, you should consider the following things. Otherwise, your donation may end up burdening the relief effort it seeks to support:
Has a credible relief organization identified a need for the items being requested?
Is an organization prepared to receive, manage, and distribute the items you’re sending?
Have the costs of transportation, shipping, warehousing and distribution been calculated and covered?
Who is handling customs tariffs, fees and other cross-border requirements?
Have quality assurance requirements from the host government been met?
From the New Jersey Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (
Three words you never want to hear in a row – but ones you need to plan forwell in advance. We believe the phase “Lockdown” should be a universal call to action – which has different actions, depending on where you are and where the threat is. Similar to a fire or chemical spill within (or near) a commercial high-rise office building, there may be some places where it is safer to shelter-in-place and some where it is safer to evacuate. But unlike those and any other threats – there may be a moment/place/time when you are confronted directly by the active assailant – with “no where to run and no where to hide” (apologies to Holland, Dozier and Holland) – and you will have to fight to defend your own life and maybe the lives of others.
A Lockdown should be different from a Secure and Hold. A Secure and Hold order is when the Active Assailant is near your location, but not (yet!) a direct threat to you. When a building or a school goes on Secure and Hold, it should mean that the threat is not on campus and no one goes in and no one comes out (except as authorized by emergency services). Secure and Hold orders can become Lockdowns, when the threat does move to your building. This may happen very quickly – and if it does, try to get the words “Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown” out over public address systems, text messages targeted to people in the building, etc. Also any info which can help identify the attacker(s); the more intelligence provided, the better – such has what the attacker(s) look like, weapons, which entrance they came in, where they might be now, etc. We encourage the three calls of the word “Lockdown!” back to back, this way it is very distinctive, and in case someone missed hearing the word “Lockdown” the first time. And by the way, there is no reason not to keep announcing where the threat is located – only if you are in a safe place to do so. Offsite security/law enforcement teams who have access to your public address system and/or text alert system can perform this as well. Note, we do recommend that cell phones be put on silent when you are temporarily ‘hiding’ or denying access, in a safer location – and those folks should remain quiet to avoid directing the attacker to their location.
Think of this threat, like it’s radioactive. If you heard there was a briefcase full of radioactive material in the lobby of your building, you would want to get as far away from it, as quickly as possible. So, for two of the three actions (evacuation and sheltering in place) associated with a Lockdown, look to limit your time near the threat, increase the distance from the threat, and use shielding from the threat:
Run/Avoid – Add Time and Distance from the Threat
This is shorthand for evacuate away from the threat to a safer area until the situation is ended; and let your team or emergency responders know of your location and status. That includes a very important checklist point to “running/avoiding” away from an Active Assailant (or any other threat where you are evacuating): Accountability. Please let your supervisor, or emergency action team leader know where you are and your status (injured, not injured, etc.) when you have moved to someplace safer.
If your office, school, work location, etc. has emergency assembly areas – use them when you are evacuating – even for Active Assailant Attacks. At least that’s the plan. If you escape out the back of the building towards the Assembly Point, and see there are other attackers there – well, then go somewhere else! That may mean back into the building. Every Emergency Action Plan should have multiple emergency assembly areas/points – including contingency ones if the primary ones are unsafe. This is a key element to Crisis Action Planning.
Hide/Deny – Add a layer of Shielding, until you can Escape or the Threat is Ended
Also shorthand for finding a safer place to be, one that provides Cover at best and Concealment at a minimum.
This is the tough one. Not something we recommend for people under 18 (K12 schools probably use a different protective methodology for Response by the public to an active assailant attack, such as A.L.I.C.E.). Here’s a really good video from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which sums up “Run, Hide, Fight” (Note: some may find this video disturbing or uncomfortable, watch at your own discretion and liability):
What comes next: More elements of Response and Recovery
Police may still be searching the building, injured and wounded people need to be triaged, treated and possibly transported to hospitals. Investigations needs to start. There may be a friends and family reception center for people to meet up with people who evacuated from the scene. Media will be on-scene. And More.
Now is the time to figure out the second-best places to conceal yourself or use concealment features to hide from an active assailant threat at your location. True, we understand this is not something you really want to have to think about – but just as we recommend to always figure out two different exits from every place you go, you should have a plan for where you would go if you had to run and/or hide as part of of the “Run, Hide, Fight” actions associated with a Lockdown or other incident where you need to protect yourself from harm.
Think of an active assailant (active shooter) like you would a radioactive bomb – you want to get away from it as quickly as possible – increasing the distance between you and the threat. And when you cannot, you will want to use shielding to help protect you, until you can get away.
The best option is to not be there (evacuate!) at all, but sometimes there is not enough time or distance between you and the threat for this to work – so you have to consider hiding (also known as shielding). If you have to hide from a threat, the better option is locations that provide Cover. Cover has physical protective properties that concealment does not.
Having a full cinderblock wall between you and the threat is a form of Cover. Having just a curtain – or even a drywall wall or fabric partition of a cubicle is only Concealment.
Adding Distance, Cover and Concealment to provide safety
What is key about Concealment is that it provides only some protection against the attacker, as long as they cannot find you.
Concealment is better than just being out in the open, but not as good as Cover. When evacuating, stay low and near solid objects that can provide you cover. If you have to stop, put the solid object between you and the assailant.
2017 Las Vegas Concert Shooting – Note that there were very few areas of Concealment, let along Cover, based on height and angle of shooter location. Source: Wall Street Journal
We welcome suggestions on ways to use Concealment and to make this blog post better. Please add them to the chat here. All posts will be moderated/edited for content and applicability. No commercial links or sales, please.
Now is the time to figure out the best places to take cover or use cover, if an active assailant attack comes to your location. True, we understand this is not something you really want to have to think about – but just as we recommend to always figure out two different exits from every place you go, you should have a plan for where you would go if you had to run and/or hide as part of of the “Run, Hide, Fight” actions associated with a Lockdown or other incident where you need to protect yourself from harm.
Having a full cinderblock wall between you and the threat is Cover. Having just a curtain – or even a drywall wall or fabric partition of a cubicle is only Concealment.
Adding Distance, Cover and Concealment to provide safety
What is key about Cover is that it provides protection against the attacker, as well as hides you from the attacker. Cover is solid walls, structures, etc. which cannot be penetrated by bullets, etc. Our suggestions for Safer Rooms, include aspects of Cover.
Concealment is better than just being out in the open, but not as good as Cover. When evacuating, stay low and near solid objects that can provide you cover. If you have to stop, put the solid object between you and the assailant.
2017 Las Vegas Concert Shooting – Note that there was very few areas of Cover, based on height and angle of shooter location. Source: Australian Broadcast Corporation
We welcome suggestions on ways to use Cover and to make this blog post better. Please add them to the chat here. All posts will be moderated/edited for content and applicability. No commercial links or sales, please.
Also known as Emergency Assembly Points, Evacuation Assembly Areas, Emergency Assembly Station, etc.
These are the designated areas (or area) outside of a work facility where people should go, if the building needs to be evacuated. Check in with first-responders or members of your Crisis Action Team. Do not go back into the building until instructed to do so. These locations should be safer than staying inside of the building, during an evacuation incident – your life safety is the top priority. They may be located on-property or off-property, depending on the site selected by your organization’s leadership, facilities management and/or emergency management teams. They may also be marked with a sign – or not – but at a minimum your crisis action plan should include a floor plan/location map which shows where each of these Emergency Assembly Areas (EAA) are located.
Example signage
If there are more than one EAA location, you should be designated to a primary location and a backup one, if possible. A multi-story office building may have multiple EAAs by floor or company or some other method. When you evacuate, go to your primary EAA if possible – what is key is that you check in with the Crisis Action Team or other responders for accountability. There may be further instructions – or even further evacuations or transportation – at that EAA.
If the EAA is unsafe (for example, if it is too close to an ongoing threat in the building, like a fire), go to the alternate EAA. If you have to leave the building due to an active assailant attack, go anywhere that is safer, contact first responders (like 9-1-1) and ask them where to go.